Midwest Golden Retriever
Breeder Resource


Links to our favorite sites:

1. K9data.com where you can research pedigrees.

2. As Good As Gold Rescue for Golden Retrievers in Northern Illinois.

3. James and Kenneth - Publishers of Dog Training Books and Videos.

4. AKC - American Kennel Club for Purebred Dogs.

5. Golden Retriever Club of Illinois which may have areas of interest once you get a puppy.

6. Orthopedic Foundation for Animals which provides information on hip and elbows.

7. Golden Retriever Weekly a magazine for golden fanciers.

8. Golden Retriever Club of America - Parent Club

9. Taurine Deficiency and Heart Disease - provides information on diet and its relevance to heart disease.

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Litter Listings

Puppy Buyer Beware

Dog Facts

Stargazers Goldens


Macintosh Goldens



Baelydon Golden Retrievers

Firstar Goldens

Kelakye Goldens

MVP Kennels

Wildwing Goldens

Wingate Goldens

Burchiwood's Goldens

Northern Love Golden Retrievers


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